With Illegal Alien Army Nearing Border, Blackburn Says Tennesseans Want Border Secured

U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) spoke Monday about the thousands of immigrants preparing to enter the country illegally.

President Donald Trump alerted the military on Monday, as the army of migrants from Honduras crossed into Mexico, Breitbart said.

“I have alerted Border Patrol and Military that this is a National Emergy [sic],” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Must change laws!”, Breitbart reported.

Blackburn is running for the U.S. Senate against Democratic former Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen.

Blackburn’s statement said:

There is a right way and a wrong way to come into our country, and Tennesseans want to see our immigration laws enforced and our border secured. As our next Senator, that’s exactly what I will do. My opponent doesn’t even think that immigration is a ‘top ten’ issue.”

“If Phil Bredesen had his way, he would be at the border, handing them all state-issued, taxpayer-funded drivers’ certificates. He probably thinks they ought to use those certificates to vote too. He opposes President Trump’s travel ban and thinks building the wall is ‘political theater.’ He is too liberal to protect Tennessee families and uphold the rule of law, and if he’s elected to the U.S. Senate, he’ll help bring sanctuary cities to Tennessee because he’ll vote with Chuck Schumer and the ‘abolish ICE’ open border Democrats. It’s not surprising he’s silent as thousands of people try to make their way into our country illegally.”

Throughout the campaign, Blackburn has criticized Bredesen for his role as governor in pushing the Tennessee General Assembly to pass his illegal alien driving certificate program, which he signed into law in 2004 and made Tennessee a magnet for illegal aliens.

The program, which Bredesen touted originally as a “common sense solution” was forced to end in 2006.

Bredesen also has received support from U.S. Senator Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY), the first senator to call for abolishing ICE, who stumped for Phil Bredesen’s campaign earlier this month in the “I Will Vote Rally” at Third Man Records in Nashville. She has donated $5,000 to his campaign.

U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) has donated $10,000 to Bredesen and wants ICE to “start from scratch,” The Tennessee Star has reported.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.









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2 Thoughts to “With Illegal Alien Army Nearing Border, Blackburn Says Tennesseans Want Border Secured”

  1. Jim hardie

    Thats right if they have legalized themselves in the US ok if not stay out and go back to your home

  2. Deborah Stiltner

    They need to be stopped at our border by What ever means necessary.
